Life Of Elyse BLOG

Grammin' for GQ!

A big thanks to the team at GQ Australia for announcing me as their Grammer of the Week! Hope the readers liked the interview ... I've popped it below if you wanted to read :)  

E x 

EXRACT FROM GQ.COM.AU: Australian model Elyse Knowles has over 250k Instagram followers, her own fashion label EvrryDay, and is renovating her first home in Melbourne. Did we mention she’s only 22? GQ caught up with our Instagram Girl of the Week...

GQ: Who have been your main inspirations in modelling?
Elyse Knowles: Jess Hart and Ash Hart. They have a really positive attitude and are down to earth, which will help you go a long way in this industry. 

GQ: We love the Hart sisters too. If you weren’t modelling, what would you be doing?
EK: I’ve always said if modelling didn’t work out, I’d go down the make-up artist route, because I love it.

GQ: How did the idea for your denim label EvrryDay come about?
EK: I was constantly promoting other labels, and I thought: hold on, I may as well give this a shot for myself. So I decided to bring out my first garment and just test it. And it worked. 

GQ: Why denim? 
 I wanted to create garments that resembled me, and something that I would wear every day. The denim short is something I wear all the time and I was always trying to find the right cut and never could, so I thought, hey, maybe I could make my own. 

GQ: What’s good advice you’ve received?
EK: Don’t try to be anyone else. Just be you. 

GQ: What’s the difference between you and other girls trying to do what you’re doing?
EK: I hate talking myself up, but I guess I’ve got a benefit through the whole social media thing. I was lucky to be able to promote my label through that. I'm also pretty ambitious. 

GQ: So what’s the secret to your Instagram success? 
EK: I don’t tend to plan. Promotion wise, I don’t like to do a lot of promotion, because I want to keep it to myself. Anything that I use, or wear, if I promote it, I have to love it. I mix that in with my everyday life. I’m an activities girl, so I love showing people that I’m an actual person. I am a model, but I am a person as well and I love doing everyday crap. There’s lot more than just the model world.

GQ: Who do you follow?
EK: I follow people that inspire me. I love to see what other models are doing, and how they go about this industry, whether they get caught up in it or whether they’re still posting about their real life.

GQ: What’s the best present a guy has ever gotten you?
EK: My boyfriend got me a new surfboard. That was pretty cool.

GQ: And the worst?
EK: I hate teddy bears and all that stuff. If you give me a teddy bear, I’ll never use it, it’ll be in the cupboard.