Life Of Elyse BLOG

Gigi & I !

Last Friday was a GOOD Friday! I flew up to Sydney to meet an absolute superstar...GIGI HADID!

Ok she's a LEGEND ! Down to earth, she had time for everyone, positive minded. Beautiful girl in a nutshell

Guess held a beautiful lunch for 15 at Bondi Icebergs! Surrounded by inspirational woman & I have to say....A lot of my icons where in the room! 

I went along to lunch solo! Arriving when you don't actually know anyone is a little scary , BUT you just have to go in for the kill. Making friends & networking when you're out & about is very important as you can learn so much from other people & hopefully score a few helpful hints along the way.

Gigi is a go getter! Having five or more appearances each day for a week is HECTIC but she is nailing it. She is SMOKING & the fact that she had time for everyone at the lunch was definitely a stand out trait! One of her many many many killer traits!

I really loved her work ethic... work hard play hard! You won't get anywhere in life if you sit on your bum looking on Insty wishing you were someone or somewhere else!! 

You have to be brave and resilient... & get out there and meet people! Make things happen & live a little... after all you only live once! 

Friday lunch was an experience and a half! Tick that one off the list ✔️✔️