Life Of Elyse BLOG

Body Glow Oil

You can probably all guess by now that I am a summer girl. Give me a bikini over a woolly coat any old day! Wherever there is sun, water & sand… you are very likely to find me! Even though I do love to get all brown & tanned in summer, I have to pay very close attention to keeping healthy & safe as the UV rays in Australia are powerful & dangerous! SPF is a must for both your face & your body. Be smart people!

Because I spend so much of my time on the beach & in the sun for work and on my weekends, I have learned to pay lots of attention to keeping myself hydrated from the inside out. Drinking 2 – 3 litres of water a day is essential… the number one key! BUT keeping my skin full of moisture from the outside as well is also pretty valuable. Especially since I travel a lot & we all know planes can dry your skin out in a second!   

Since I began working with the ulta3 team last year, I’ve been having fun playing with all of their products. From nails to make up. they do it all. But their Body Glow Oil has quickly become one of my favourites! My skin loves me for using it. Even my dog Isla loves licking it off me because it smells like the yummiest desert! The oil is packed with jojoba oil and wheat germ which helps your body rehydrate after being in the sun. And you girls will also love it because it tops up your tan with it’s added bronzer. I’m obsessed!

If anyone wants to try it, you can hop onto their online store here… If you spend over $10 you’ll also get a splash proof bag with your order. Good little accessory for the beach to you’re your valuables dry! 

utla3 are currently running a competition which is pretty epic!! The prize is The Summer Goddess Collection & it includes all of the essentials to look like a breath of colourful, fresh air everyday! Enter by clicking here! 




