Life Of Elyse BLOG

Why I don't leave home without my Vital All-In-One

Elyse Knowles Vital Greens
Elyse Knowles Vital Green 1.jpg

When it comes to collaborating with people & brands in the health & wellness space, it's tricky because there are so many! While I think there are loads of brilliant products around, I'm a big believer for staying true to what you know & what you absolutely cannot live without. For me, Vital Greens has been a constant in my life for almost 10 years now. Since I was 17 I've incorporated their greens into my daily diet. I’m not only a passionate customer ... I am their Number One advocate! 

The Vital ALL-IN-ONE has my made my life a lot easier. I say it a lot, but it becomes more & more true everyday - my daily schedules are normally packed, on the go & they can be relentless. I prefer it this way because I love to keep busy, but I know that in order to keep up the pace, I have to look after my wellness carefully & thoroughly. I don't always have a lot of time to prep meals in the morning, so Vital gives me everything I need in just 2 teaspoons. That's it! Just having 2 teaspoons in the morning means my body is one happy little vegemite.

The Vital All-IN-ONE is an easily absorbed green powder full of literally everything your mind & body will devour & thank you for. Below is what your insides can look forward to... 

  • 14 billion plus probiotics 
  • Probiotics
  • Antioxidant and immune support
  • Multiple vitamins and minerals 
  • Digestive enzymes & vegetable proteins

It sounds like a lot to fit into one power but that's the beauty of Vital. We all have such busy lives these days & we're constantly bombarded with millions of diet fads & exercise tips in the media. While we all want to be the healthiest versions of ourselves, a lot of us don't actually have time to sift through the internet Googling the pros & cons of every product available... Hopefully I can help here by doing some of the work for you. I stick with Vital because it's a product formulated by two brilliant Australian based Naturopaths who were committed to fighting the ever growing gut & digestive issues experienced by far too many of us. Their attitude to health is rational & they're a team solving real problems for real people ... their brand ethos is as great as their products. 

As I mentioned above, I've been using Vital Greens consistently since I was 17. It came into my life during my first modelling trip to America. The trip was pretty daunting as I was so young & having to navigate a big, bustling city by myself. This particular overseas trip however also opened my eyes to just how easy it can be to fall into unhealthy habits when you're living out of a suitcase. When you don't know the local grocers, you don't have your own kitchen to cook in & you just feel a little bit "fish out of water", your normal eating patterns become disturbed & out of whack. 

During this trip I was in & out of planes and hotels up to six days a week & traveling for hours at a time. The chance of getting sick was at an all time high, so the fact I wasn't getting enough nutrients into my diet was a big issue. It might sound silly but I'm sure many of you can relate - I literally had no time to be sick. I was booked out for days at a time and had no days off to recover. Plus living abroad is expensive. I had to work to support myself & stay safe. Getting sick was just not an option.

Having experienced the stress of not being able to properly care for my health & wellness, I came across Vital after doing some research ... thank god I did! The All-In-One especially, has since become an absolute staple item when I travel. If I don't have access to a blender when I'm away, (meaning I can't make a smoothie), I just had 2 teaspoons into a glass of ice water. It's not only super easy to prepare but it has such positive effects in terms of my mood & my overall peace of mind. Knowing that I am starting off my day with a hit of pure & natural goodness makes me feel strong & calm. 

Traveling so much by yourself & dealing with new clients, new cities, new time zones, new cultures, multiple meetings and photoshoots can be quite mentally draining. It can get you down from time to time, dragging your mental state & energy levels down too. Having Vital in my bag is like traveling with a safety blanket. I genuinely trust & cherish the product and I feel lucky to be in the position where I can sing it's praises and highly recommend it to you all. 

If you're looking for something to help with your gut health, your energy levels or just your overall general wellbeing - please give Vital a go & let me know how you go! Give your body about two weeks to get used to it. By that stage you should experience some changes in how you feel. 

My personal tip: Start off slowly. When you first introduce Vital Greens into your daily diet, start off with just one teaspoon as you warm to the taste. It's not bad at all, just new! The powder can be added into your smoothies, a glass of coconut water or even just icy water. Super quick, simply and effortless. I've popped their logo up above so it'll pop out to you,

For more information about the Vital range & the brand as a whole, head to their website by clicking this click. I wouldn't recommend it unless I was absolutely sold, which I am!

Be good to your body and your body will be good to you. x

Elyse Knowles Vital Greens 2018