Who else loves Celeste Barber?
One of the funniest days on set to date, was hands down the day I spent shooting with Celeste Barber. If you don't already know of Celeste (which I highly doubt because she’s taking over the world!), check her Instagram out @celestebarber … and have a good laugh. This woman is a hoot!
Celeste & I taking things totally seriously ;)
When you have long days filming in your schedule, mixed in with travel, shoots & media interviews, it's absolutely amazing when you rock up to set to find the team of people you’ll be working with a cheerful, energetic & ready to go! People who make work feel like play & enable you to totally relax & step into the right mindset without even thinking twice. Celeste is definitely one of these people! She's warm, hilarious, bubbly, loud & such a great team player!! Honestly her personality is exactly what you would imagine - hysterical!
It's hard not to admire people like Celeste. An actor by trade & a gifted comedian who is on the road to pretty huge things! As well as her impressive career, Celeste has a beautiful family, a massive (hugeeee!!) following and nothing but great things to say & incredible ideas that just fly off the tip of her tongue like magic. This woman is a powerhouse!
The best day of filming with HelloFresh, the best working buddy, the yummiest Mexican to finish off - life is good!! I hope you all love the videos to come! If you haven't already had a look - I've popped a snippet below!
Go & surround yourselves in AMAZING people & your energy will naturally follow theirs. I promise!
Elyse xx