Save for summer!
Who els is jealous of everyones summery Instagram snaps right now?!
There is a way to get through the chilly winter months. Create a light at the end of the tunnel & save for a holiday! Somewhere warm! It might not be till next year but at least it'll give you something great to aim for and plan. A distraction from the cold can be a huge help.
The best thing about winter in Australia is that when our winter falls, the sun rises around the world. Spain, Italy, France, Greece, lots of great places in the US like LA, Miami, NYC... Bali or Thailand or even home in AUS! Staying local is always an option - you just have to head north. Broome, Darwin, Uluru, Port Douglas... or jump in your car & go exploring. Traveling near or far is so good for the soul.
Luckily, winter is the perfect time to lay low & save up. Be committed & stay focused by next winter your holiday savings will be looking good! So. Some tips to save.
- Plan ahead! Try & stick to one big food shop each week. Be mindful of what you buy ... buying in bulk might seem more expensive at the time, but you'll save in the long run!
- Take your lunch to work. Pots of soup can be great. They are quick to make on the weekend & easy to pop into Tupperware when you jet off to work in the morning. Or take lots of little bits to work & store it somewhere out of the way. Crackers, tuna, veggies, hommus, nut spreads, salt & pepper. Change it up daily - keep it healthy & keep it efficient.
- Go to the ATM & take out a specific amount of cash for the little things like coffee, petrol, the odd random buy. That way you can track your spending each week. If there is a magazine on sale for $10 and you only have $5... stay strong! You can find it all online anyway!
- Gym junkies? If you're going to expensive classes (which is very addictive I know!), perhaps limit them to 1 or max 2 a week. For the rest of the time - hit the parks! Rain will not kill you and if you nail the cardio, you'll warm up after 15mins max!
If you'd rather stay inside, download an app or hop onto YouTube and search for 15, 30 or 45 minute workout sessions. There are plenty of epic workouts achievable in your living room with no equipment needed. Just grab a towel, a good playlist and go go go!
- Be smart and watch where you park!! Living inner city can be the pits with a car! Stay aware of the time! Set an alarm if you're worried about forgetting your 2P parking bay. Don't throw money down into parking fines. Wasted dollars & so annoying!
- Lastly ... try and pop all of your spare change in a jar at the end of each week! One year's worth of coins can add up to big things!!
Next Winter I hope you all have some summery trips planned! Life can be so expensive but with a few tweaks and some forward planning - it is possible to treat yourself to a great holiday!
Elyse xxx (Pics for Strait Swim by Brooke Dombroski)