Press BLOG


Elyse Knowles MAMAM!A Press 2019

A normal day at home ...

6.00am: Wake up. I like to start my day off with exercise. It sets me up for the day with a positive, can-do mind frame. The morning is definitely the best time for fitness for me personally, as high intensity sessions in the afternoon tend to leave me with stitches after a day of food & water.

6.30am: My boxing class! Boxing is a workout where I can sweat it out like no tomorrow!! I learn new techniques along the way, including Muay Thai which is fun! Boxing challenges my body, my mind and it keeps me on my toes.

7.30am: From boxing, I then hit my place of sanctuary. I take the dogs for their beach walk with Josh. Here I cherish the smell of the ocean, the feeling of sand between the toes and pending the temperature I dive in for a refreshing swim. Josh and I use these walks to talk about our day together. It's a relaxed environment to catch up and make plans.

8.30am: Depending on how much time I have, I'll stop off at my favourite Chai Caravan on the way home. Here I order a cashew and almond chai ... my favourite! If time doesn't allow it - I'll head home and brew my chai there with breaky.

By now it's time for breaky at home, my favourite meal of the day. I usually go for one of two options:

1. Eggs with avocado, pesto, goats cheese, spinach and dill, or;

2. A smoothie bowl packed with greens, vitamins, collagen, protein and omegas.

When it comes to my diet, I love knowing exactly what is in my food by preparing as many meals myself as often as I can. This way I can ensure they are nutritious and cost effective. I get pure joy going to the farmers market every week and selecting my produce from various farmers. It supports them which is vital and it gives me a sense of relief. Shopping at the farmers markets means that I always know where my food is coming from. I can ensure it's from an organic farm and hasn't been sprayed with chemicals and nasties. This is a huge plus!

After breaky, I like to sit down for a couple of hours or so and attend to everything work-related. I like to be organised and stay ahead of the curve, before seeing a million emails pop up throughout the day. Usually I leave emails as my afternoon task. After a healthy, active morning I feel productive, clear and ready to go by the afternoon!

Some days are different of course, depending on my schedule, however the mornings at home with Josh and the dogs are pure bliss. I never take them for granted.